Throughout the story "Cinderella Ate My Daughter" written by Peggy Orenstein, she tells us about a personal experience that she has with her daughter. While her and her daughter are at a family party, she lets her daughter run off. However, when she doesn't return after a while, Orenstein gets nervous. She looks around for her daughter and when she finds her, she is laying on the ground with her eyes closed. A little confused, she looks around at the other children and they tell her that she is pretending to be Snow White.
When reading through this article, it kind of seemed like Orenstein was shocked that her daughter would do something like this. So I researched other articles and found out how other parents felt about Disney movies. In one article that I found, the author tells us that based on her research, the negative effects in Disney movies outweigh the positive effects. The author gives an example using "Beauty and the Beast", which I thought it was interesting because Dr. Bogad used the same movie as an example. However, in class we talked about positive things. We talked about how girls might view Belle and what things she does that makes her heroic. But in this article, the author laughs at all this because she notices that Belle isn't in control at all. The Beast locks her in her room and deprives her of food. This falls right into the gender categories that we discuss in class.
I think this article is very interesting because it is mainly focusing on gender, while most articles when dealing with Disney movies focus on race and how they are no African-American princesses, only white. I have a question for everyone. Do you think Disney movies portray negative affects more because of race or gender? As I read through people's blog, I notice that some people don't think it has any affect on children and I am one of those people.
Hi Alyssa! I like the research that you did with your blog! I think that it is funny how many parents feel the same way about these Disney movies. Beauty and the Beast is a great example of what can happen in these movies without even realizing there is a hidden message.