Sunday, February 24, 2013

Safe Spaces- Argument

As I read through "Safe Spaces" written by Annemarie Vaccaro, Gerri August, and Megan Kennedy, I was actually kind of surprised that it was not another piece dealing with race. However, even though the topic transitions from race to sexual orientation, I still found similarities between this piece and the previous ones that we have been working on. These authors argue that the students who are LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender), are usually offended a lot in school whether it be by classmates or even teachers, who most of the time do not even realize that they are doing it. They argue that students who face one of these identities (LGBT), are more likely to be absent from school or when they are present in school, they will not engage in discussions. But it is not just the students. Most teachers try to avoid talking about these subjects and will re-word their whole lesson to get around them. It is really sad to see that this happens at all age groups, whether it be elementary school level or the college level. But I believe that if these identities are portrayed at a young age, they wouldn't seem so out of the ordinary later in life. The whole example of the "Postcards with Buster" TV show really got me going. I think that this episode was a great idea because it sends a message to young children saying that it was okay to have more than one mother. It sends a message that every family is different, but it's not wrong to not have one mom and one dad. Below I have posted a preview of the beginning of the episode that was banned in 2004. Since the title of this post is "argument", I will argue that if this episode was not banned I think the message would have got sent to many more young children and that maybe a lot of the discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders would not be as bad as it is today.

In conclusion, I would like to know what everyone else thinks about the episode being banned in 2004. Do you think that young children would have watched this episode and took the differences in a good way? What do you think would happen if the show portrayed other families such as two fathers or single parent families or even foster care families? What do you think the outcomes would be?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Aria by Richard Rodriguez; Quotes

As I read through "Aria" by Richard Rodriguez, I could immediately relate it back to Delpit's piece and Johnson's piece as well. But something that I really found interesting was Rodriguez's points of view and opinions. I have chosen three quotes from his piece that I feel are important and really stand out to me. 

1.) "From the  doorway of another room, spying the visitors, I noted the incongruity-the clash of two worlds,  the faces and voices of school intruding upon the familiar setting of home. I overheard one voice gently wondering, 'Do your children speak only Spanish at home, Mrs. Rodri­guez?'"
- As I read this quote, what stands out to to me the most is that the nuns take it upon themselves to go to their home to make sure that they are practicing their English skills. In one way I think this is reasonable but in another way I think it is wrong. Rodriguez tells us that English is known as the public language, while Spanish is known as the private language. When the kids are at school, yes they should speak English because technically they are in "public" so they should speak the public language. But if they are in the privacy of their own home, they should be able to speak their own language.

2.) "Again and again in the days following, increasingly angry, I was obliged to hear my mother and father: 'Speak to us en ingles.' (Speak.) Only then did I determine to learn classroom English. Weeks after, it  happened: One day in school  I raised my hand to volunteer an answer. I spoke out in a loud voice. And I did not think it remarkable when the entire class understood. That day, I  moved very far from the disadvantaged child I had been only days earlier."
- In this quote, I think Rodriguez is trying to say two things. One is that he became fed up with the fact that he had to listen to his parents speak English with him and his siblings when in reality, the children were the ones who needed to use it more than their parents. Another thing that I think he is saying is that the more he got mad listening to his parents, the more determined her became to learn English on his own. When he gained some confidence, it was clear that his English speaking skills improved, especially because the whole class understood what he said.

3.)  “Without question, it would have pleased me to hear my teachers address me in Spanish when I entered the classroom. I would have felt much less afraid. I would have trusted and responded with ease. But I would have delayed—for how long postponed? – having to learn the language of the public society…learning the great lesson of of school, that I had a public identity. Fortunately, my teachers were unsentimental about their responsibility. What they understood was that I needed to speak a public language.”
After I read this quote, it made me think back to Johnson and Delpit again. In this quote, Rodriguez is fully aware that he needs to learn the "public" language of society, even though he lives in a "private" language society because he is Spanish. In Delpit's essay, she suggests that we need to give the children tools to understand the language that is known by most of our society and this is what I feel is being suggested here as well. I think that Rodriguez is saying in order to succeed in "the white man's world" you must learn the primary language of that society.

Monday, February 11, 2013

White Privilege- McIntosh, REFLECTION

As I read through "White Privilege" by Peggy McIntosh, race was the main theme that stuck with me the whole time that I was reading it. While reading through this piece, I found it very interesting when McIntosh focused on the daily effects of white privilege in her life. Unfortunately, a lot of the effects that she focused on were things that you see in society today. For example, McIntosh states "I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed." This is something that we see in today's world. If someone of color walks into a store, they are more likely to be followed and be portrayed as suspicious rather than someone who has "white privilege". Another aspect that McIntosh focuses on is discrimination. She basically tells us that she does not know what it feels like to be discriminated against because she is not black. She is white so therefore, most of us can relate to this because we don't know what it feels like to be alienated because of our skin color.

I definitely enjoyed McIntosh's reading much more than Delpit's reading. I feel like it was easier to understand and people could relate to it more, especially with McIntosh focusing on daily effects in her life. A question that I have for everyone is can you think of an example for each one of McIntosh's daily effects? Some are easier to comprehend like the example I described. However, some are a little more difficult. But if someone in this society can relate to all of these, other people might be able to as well. I also think that its very interesting how she ties her everyday life into this piece. As you read through her piece, she mostly talks about people of color being discriminated against. But as I looked through everyone else's blog, I noticed Kerri put up a question asking if anyone who is white has ever felt discriminated. I thought her question was interesting and I never would have thought of that!

First Post- About Me

Now that I finally have power back, I can get started with my blog! My name is Alyssa Dorr and I am a second semester freshman here at RIC. I am majoring in Elementary Education and I'm thinking about doing Special Education as my concentration. I live in Cranston, RI so it takes me about 15 minutes to get to school. Unfortunately, I work at McDonalds in Warwick. I'm there all the time so if you stop by I'm sure I'll be there! I have one younger sister and a puppy named Sammy! I love spending time with my family, friends, and my boyfriend when hes not away at college in New York :(  I also have a sick obsession with Disney! I've been to Disneyworld about 7 times and I just want to live there! Something I love about this class is the way Dr. Bogad teaches and how mostly everyone is able to get involved in discussions, its not just your typical lecture class! I am also looking forward to completing my service learning project this semester!